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Welcome to the Interpretive Research Suite and

Bruce A. Carter Qualitative Thought Laboratory!

Founder & Director: Dr. Sherick Hughes, MA, MPA, Ph.D.

Peabody Hall, Room G019


Click here to learn about recent research
from the Carter Qualitative Thought Laboratory

Founded in 2013, The Interpretive Research Suite & Bruce A. Carter Qualitative Thought Laboratory (“Carter Thought Lab”) aims to lead innovative studies for engaging change, particularly in the lives of marginalized youth in U.S. educational communities. The ability of key adult stakeholders, youth leaders, and researchers to engage sustainable change for/with marginalized students will be enhanced by the Carter Thought Lab’s innovative processes for conducting, applying, synthesizing and critiquing interpretive research. Moreover, the Carter Thought Lab’s vision includes an innovative use of technology to disseminate interpretive research in ways that support this engagement.

The epicenter of the Carter Thought Lab’s ground-breaking design for change is its signature vision: I-SEEC Change (Innovative-Studies for Engaging Educational Community Change). Click here for more information about this vision and related research initiatives.